Smile Necessities And Possibilites In Lafayette

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Hi, I’m Dr. Gordon West with Gordon West DDS, Cosmetic & General Dentistry located at 1140 W South Boulder Rd, Ste 201 in Lafayette. The truth is, practicing dentistry has been a rewarding decision for me.

Between restorative and cosmetic dentistry, I am able to create unforgettable smiles for patients throughout Broomfield, Boulder County, and Louisville that beautify as well as satisfy. I am encouraged with the changes for good I see in a person’s life. Check out my site at

I’m able to meet and discuss what is needed, what is desired and what is possible for your smile before we create an individualized plan of action. Call to find out about the cost of various dental services and to schedule a consultation at 303-665-5335. I aim for competitive costs when it comes to smile transformations through cosmetic dental procedures and restorative dentistry. Big or small, the procedures are critical to our patients and their self confidence and are therefore of the utmost importance to me and my staff.

We’ve been around since 1998. Over the years we have carried out many, many procedures involving cosmetic dentistry, porcelain veneers, and dental implants as well as educating and guiding patients to better hygiene and understanding of their oral needs and possibilities. That freely revealed smile of childhood can be restored to you.

Restorative dentistry ranges from simple fillings to bridges to dental implant support to chipped tooth restoration. Tooth restoration has many caveats that require consideration and experience. I look forward to meeting your needs on your terms. I am sure we will get along wonderfully. See you soon!

– Gordon West DDS Center for Advanced Dental Care

Gordon West
Gordon West DDS, Cosmetic & General Dentistry
1140 W South Boulder Rd, Ste 201
Lafayette, Colorado 80026

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