Prepless Veneers

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Prepless Porcelain Veneers in Lafayette, CO

Smiling young female with prepless veneers for teeth in Boulder

Are you worried about the look of your smile because of stains, chips, or minor misalignments? If you would like the option of dental veneers but don’t like the idea of permanent veneers, our temporary prepless dental veneers can help! When Dr. West, DDS, teams up with our proficient staff, we can transform your smile into a dazzling one!

What are the benefits of Prepless Porcelain Veneers?

Prepless veneers, also known as “no-prep veneers,” are similar to traditional tooth veneers. For example, both veneers treatments consist of an ultra-thin piece of porcelain that is bonded to your tooth. No prep veneers are different from a traditional tooth veneer because they don’t require the prep work of removing a thin layer of enamel off of your teeth first.

Our prepless procelain veneers are designed to blend in to your surrounding tooth color, so they look natural. The thin porcelain shell creates an instant repair that is bonded to your teeth, yet still removable in the future if necessary.

With our ultra thin prepless veneers, you can walk into our Lafayette, CO dental office for your appointment and walk out smiling just a short time later!

How Do Prepless Veneers Work?

Before and after photos of prepless tooth veneers patients in BoulderApart from giving you a beautiful, even smile, the prepless tooth veneer procedure has many benefits:

  • Prepless veneers are custom-fitted and quickly placed.
  • Our ultra-thin dental veneers are made of durable ceramic.
  • Each tooth veneer is built to last and can improve your smile for years to come.

Which Dental Veneer Type Is Right for Me?

Dr. West, DDS, can show you the differences between porcelain and prepless veneers and help you decide which treatment is right for you. Don’t hesitate to call our office in Boulder county if:

  • One or more of your teeth are too small or misshapen to give you a full, complete smile.
  • One or more of your teeth are discolored or stained, which is a great option if you do not want to go through teeth whitening for all of your teeth.
  • You have small gaps between two or more of your teeth.

You shouldn’t feel worried about showing off your smile when our quick and easy prepless veneer treatment could give you the smile you have always wanted!

Boulder prepless veneers for teeth patient photos

Contact Us at our office in Lafayette, CO, today!

Do you have any questions about how prepless dental veneers can give you a stunning new smile? Contact our Boulder office at 303-665-5335 today! Dr. Gordon West and Dr. Andrew Johns, along with their expert staff, provide prepless veneers at their practice in Lafayette, CO to patients who come to see them from across the Boulder County area, including Lafayette, Boulder, and Broomfield, CO.