5 Cavity Basics For Boulder

Some of the most popular dental topics discussed in Boulder County and Lafayette relate to cosmetic dentistry, such as teeth whitening, veneers, and dental implants. However, the desire to avoid cavities is still the main reason Louisville and Broomfield residents visit their dentists, so today the Lafayette dental blog is going to highlight the 5 things you need to know about cavities.

Are All Carbs Created Equal?

Hello, I am Dr. Gordon West of Gordon West DDS: Cosmetic & General Dentistry in Lafayette. Today, we are focusing on diet and oral health.

I’m sure you brush and floss regularly and hopefully visit your Lafayette dental practice for required cleanings, but did you know that making small but important changes to your diet can improve your oral health?

Look For The Seal In Boulder

When you go to a Boulder County or Lafayette, CO drugstore or supermarket looking for toothpaste, mouthwash, teeth whitener, or another oral care product, make sure that it carries the seal of the American Dental Association. The seal is there to help you make the best choices you can for the products you need to keep your mouth clean and healthy.