Do You Have Xerostomia?

Most dental patients in the Boulder and Louisville area know that they can go to their local dentist for toothaches, cleanings, and bleeding gums (not to mention cosmetic dentistry procedures such as a smile makeover), but there are some lesser-known oral concerns that your Broomfield dentist can also help you with.


When Style And Oral Health Collide in Lafayette, CO

Oral piercing is a popular form of body-art in Lafayette, CO, but just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s safe. I’m Dr. Gordon West, a dentist serving the Lafayette, CO area. When my patients ask me about the safety of oral piercings, I make sure they understand the possible consequences. First, Boulder residents should know…

Seeking A Relationship In Lafayette?

Are you one of the many Lafayette, CO singles looking for a significant other? Perhaps you recently broke off a dysfunctional partnership and are determined to make a better choice this time around. I’m not talking about a relationship with a girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse – I’m talking about something equally important – your relationship…

Can Cavity Fighting Chewing Gum prevent Lafayette, CO dentist visits?

I’m Dr. Gordon West DDS of Gordon West DDS, Cosmetic & General Dentistry in Lafayette. My cosmetic dentistry clients often ask me if chewing xylitol gum is an effective substitute for tooth brushing and regular dental exams. Before I answer that question, let me tell you a little bit about xylitol: Xylitol is a natural…


Stick Out Your Tongue In Lafayette, CO!

As health professionals, we know that Lafayette, CO cosmetic dentists diagnose and treat conditions of the teeth and gums, but we sometimes overlook the importance of the tongue. Have you ever considered all the amazing things your tongue can do? It helps us talk, perceive the texture and flavor of food, chew, and swallow. This…