
Lafayette Prepless Veneers

Lafayette Prepless Veneers

One of the latest breakthroughs in Lafayette cosmetic dentistry is prepless veneers. Though thousands of Longmont and Louisville cosmetic dentistry patients who have received traditional veneers are happy with the results, some Colorado dental clients have delayed this procedure because they do not want to lose healthy tooth structure.

Lafayette prepless veneers are a less-invasive procedure for transforming Boulder smiles. New prepless veneers are incredibly thin shells which adhere to the face of teeth and require no removal of tooth enamel. Most Boulder prepless veneers are about the thickness of two pieces of paper. Because the color is built into the veneers (instead of being applied after fabrication), they look like your natural teeth–only better!

Our experienced Colorado ceramists are skilled artists. They create each custom Lafayette veneer with the optimum shape, color and thickness for your new smile. Another great feature of the Gordon West DDS, Cosmetic & General Dentistry prepless veneers application procedure is that it requires no anesthesia or drilling.

If you are embarrassed by misaligned, discolored or broken teeth, Louisville prepless veneers may be a Colorado smile restoration solution that you can feel good about.

Call Gordon West DDS, Cosmetic & General Dentistry to learn more about prepless veneers. It is the first step toward your dazzling new smile!

Dr. Gordon West

Gordon West DDS, Cosmetic & General Dentistry
1140 West S. Boulder Rd, Suite 201
Lafayette Colorado 80026


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